Navigating Roofing Warranties: What Homeowners Need To Know

Regarding roofing, one of the most crucial aspects homeowners must understand is the warranty. Roofing warranties can be complex and often misunderstood, but they are essential for protecting your investment. Here’s what you need to know to navigate roofing warranties effectively.

Understanding the Two Key Types of Roofing Warranties: Manufacturer’s and Workmanship

There are primarily two roofing warranties: manufacturer’s warranties and workmanship warranties. Manufacturer’s warranties cover defects in roofing materials and typically last 20-50 years, depending on the materials used. On the other hand, the roofing contractor offers workmanship warranties and covers installation errors. These usually have a shorter duration, typically 1-10 years.

What’s Covered and What’s Not in Manufacturer’s and Workmanship Guarantees

It’s important to understand what your warranty covers. Manufacturer’s warranties generally cover defects in the roofing material itself. For instance, if your shingles begin to crack or curl prematurely due to a manufacturing defect, this should be covered under the warranty. 

However, these warranties often do not cover damages due to external factors like severe weather or improper installation. Workmanship warranties cover issues arising from installation errors but won’t cover problems related to material quality.

The Importance of Proper Installation By Certified Roofing Contractors

A common reason for warranty denial is improper installation. This is why choosing a qualified and experienced roofing contractor is critical. Ensure that the contractor is certified by the manufacturer of your roofing materials, as this can affect the validity of your warranty. Improper installation can lead to immediate roofing issues and void your warranty, leaving you without coverage.

Maintaining Your Roofing Warranty: The Critical Role of Regular Maintenance and Documentation

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your warranty valid. Most warranties require homeowners to conduct regular inspections and maintenance. Record all inspections, maintenance, and repairs done on your roof. In case of a warranty claim, this documentation will prove that you’ve maintained the roof according to the warranty terms.

Transferable Roofing Warranties: A Key Factor in Home Sales and Purchases

Some roofing warranties are transferable to new homeowners, which can be a selling point if you plan to sell your house. However, there might be specific conditions to transfer the warranty, like notifying the manufacturer within a particular time frame. Understanding the transferability terms is crucial for both selling and buying a home.

Understanding Warranty Limitations and Exclusions

Every warranty has its limitations and exclusions. For instance, most warranties won’t cover damages due to “Acts of God,” like hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes. Additionally, some warranties might be prorated, meaning the coverage decreases over time.

Filing a Warranty Claim

If you need to file a claim, do it promptly. Delaying can not only worsen the damage but might also affect your claim. Follow the manufacturer’s or contractor’s procedures closely and provide all necessary documentation.

Securing Your Home’s Future: The Vital Role of Understanding and Managing Roofing Warranties

A roofing warranty is essential to your roofing investment. Understanding the types of warranties, what they cover, and their limitations can save you from unexpected expenses in the long run. Always read the fine print, choose qualified professionals for installation, and maintain your roof diligently. With this knowledge, you can protect your roof and home for years.

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